Poem #1 untitled
Haiku for lost souls
Now you are free
From worldly stupidity
Poem # 2 untitled
Stones are ballerinas
Cascading Into subconscious rivers
The rivers wind through forests
Where love is no longer armor
Among trees
Where Illusionists no longer scream
Sensorial bequests
From shores of pebble parables
That blame useless bodies
Where the dearer the romance with death
The more life tingles
Poem # 3 untitled
early morning rain
which is another word for grace
accumulates the sultry blue dreamscape
where the living and the dead
rehearse their dialogue
broken like ritual bread
the ladder in tribute settles
on an indifferent windowsill
selected to be worn by the dead mother
for her climb through cream white temptation
I press my cheek
against the stone wall that houses some
of her previous lives
and in that peculiar voice that has no sound
but sense and image
I request a private audience
a private audience
with the concert pianist
the Buddhist Hermit thrush
and the red headed chanteuse
from the Moulin Rouge
to select
her next pair of rebirth parents
their purling vapors rise
wild poppy bright
like bliss trailing emptiness
through a recombinant pair of double doors
then whisk a dark chapel house
my head wrapped in a babushka
like an old woman
I follow
with my broom
sweeping illusions of the present
off the patio altar behind
Stephen A. Rozwenc is an American expat poet who resides in Thailand. He has published 6
collections of poetry. Four of his books are currently available on Amazon Books. In the last 12
years alone more than 300 of his poems have appeared in print journals and online venues in
the United States, Europe, and Asia. 20 of his haiku poems will shortly appear in a bilingual
anthology published in China. This anthology will be distributed in 16 Asian countries. He has
also published a collection of translations of famous Russian poets in collaboration with Victor
Peppard, a Russian language, literature, and culture professor from the University of South
Florida. In addition, there are presentations on his Youtube channel with him reading his